ZETS Recipe for Our Take on Rustic French Apple Pie
par Martina Joksimovic
A brief explanation of the composition and quality of the filling:
- One jar (of 750 ml) contains about 5-6 peeled and sliced apples and 1/3 cup of yellow cane sugar (which breaks down in the body like honey and not like white sugar or colored refined sugar).
- The gelled mass is made from ZETS apple juice without any additives (only pasteurized).
- Puff pastry (1 crust)
- Half a jar of ZETS Apple Pie Filling
One roll of puff pastry and half a jar of filling makes a healthy dessert in 5 minutes of preparation and 30 minutes of baking.
(5 min. preparation, 30 min. baking)
1. Roll out the dough and spread it a little with a rolling pin
2. Pour half a jar of filling. If desired, add a handful of ground or chopped walnuts and make a knot with a mandatory hole in the middle:

3. Place in an oven heated to 175° C, bake for about 30 minutes.

4. Serve immediately and sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired.

(It does not have to be sprinkled with powdered sugar. It can be served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and sprinkled with caramel or dark chocolate glaze).